Pausing The Party To Reflect

As a new plant-based beverage company we care about your health and our environment­­—a lot. On a good day, we can all benefit from being kinder to our bodies and the earth.

For the last month, we paused the Better Than Milk® party and were silent on social media so that other voices could be heard.

We are back with a renewed sense of purpose, compassion, and inspiration from the countless leaders and changemakers that have emerged.

We exist to provide you with plant-based milks made from simple, delicious ingredients that can be enjoyed in the comfort of your home surrounded by friends and family, or on the go as a convenient drink.

Perhaps pause to savor the good moments, however big or small they may be. Enjoy a delicious smoothie. Take a moment to breath and hydrate. Cuddle and share a glass of organic, alt milk and cookies with your favorite people.

Our goal is to make a positive impact by bringing people closer together through a mutual love of delicious beverages and the meals and moments they can help create.

Let’s all continue to take time for ourselves to learn, to listen and be curious. Most importantly to lift up one another.


The Better Than Milk® Team




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